Kiwi Fruit



Kiwi Seeds Germinating

Sunday, 1st July 2012

I really wasn't expecting to have to do a page about these as they were totally unplanned.

We bought some normal Kiwi Fruit from our local Co-Op, purely because they were reduced, and Jess said she liked them.

When we got home, she asked for one, so I sliced one open for her and was amazed by just how many seeds were inside!

I joked and said we should plant some of them and see what happens! So we potted them up in a plastic dougnut box (just like the peppers), watered them, closed the lid, and just left them. That was on the 24th June, 2012.

Today, they germinated!! hence the page :-)

Sunday, 8th July 2012

Well, what a difference a week makes! These little things have shot up, and more are still germinating! Since last week, I did a bit of research on Kiwi Plants, and they grow massive apparently! I think we might have made a mistake doing these, but we'll do our best! Here are the seedlings below, now 1 week old.

Kiwi Fruit seedlings 1 week old


Kiwi Fruit Seedlings 1 week old
Sunday, 29th July 2012
Well these are now 4 weeks old, but I made a huge mistake when repotting these, as I put them straight outside, and lost a lot of them. There are only 3 remaining now, which I have bought back into the house. It is still touch and go with one of them. These need a male and female plant for pollination for fruit to form. I just hope I have one of each. Here are the best 2 below, 4 weeks old.
Kiwi seedling 4 weeks old
Kiwi seedling 4 weeks old
Kiwi seedling 4 weeks old



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