Bell Peppers

Jessies Mini Garden, California Wonder Sweet Peppers
Jessies Mini Garden, Sweet Bell Peppers

3rd June, 2012

So, although Jess doesn't like peppers to eat, I do, so I thought it would be nice to show her something different to grow.

These are called California Wonder Sweet Peppers.

The instructions said to grow under glass, but as we haven't got a greenhouse, we had to think quick and make our own mini greenhouses.

We took two doughnut boxes, and an individual cake case, which both have lids, and planted our seeds in them. Then watered, resealed, and hey presto! Mini Greenhouses!!

Jessies Mini Garden, Sweet California Peppers

Whether these will work and have the desired effect, I don't know. I don't see why not, but I'm sure we will soon find out!

21st June, 2012

Well it seems our little mini home made greenhouse worked just fine. The sweet pepper seedlings have come up and are growing stronger each day! It was 100% germination, which was excellent! Here of some pictures below of their little stages of growth. The first pictures are when they were just coming through at just 10 days since sowing.

California Wonder Sweet pepper Seedlings 10 days old
California Wonder Sweet pepper Seedlings 10 days old

and here they are below, just 3 days after.

California Wonder Sweet pepper Seedlings 13 days old
California Wonder Sweet pepper Seedlings 13 days old

We decided to repot them into individual pots at this 13 day old stage, to save them getting too leggy, due to my poor lighting, and thanks to Wilko's excellent sale on plant pots with 75% off! So here they are below, rehomed and happy!

California Wonder Sweet pepper Seedlings 13 days old
California Wonder Sweet pepper Seedlings 13 days old

Sunday, 1st July 2012

Well, pretty much like the tomatoes, these babies haven't really been up to much in the last week. They are now  3 weeks old. They have all now got their first set of true leaves, some with more growing. Many have been put outside to be in the sun, but I have kept about 10 plants in, in case we lose the ones that have gone outside. I also kept some of these seperate and upstairs, to give them sun all day, and the difference is obvious again. The picture on the left is one from downstairs, and the picture on the right is one in full indoor sun.

California Wonder Sweet Pepper Seedlings 3 weeks old.
California Wonder Sweet Pepper Seedlings 3 weeks old

So that's the Pepper update for this week! :-)

Sunday, 8th July 2012

Here is this weeks updates on the California Wonder Sweet Pepper seedlings. The ones in the house are going great! But the ones that are outside are having a terrible time seeing as it has rained all week, and hardly no sun, poor things. Here are a couple of pictures below. They are all the same age, 4 weeks old. You can see the huge difference in growth.

California Wonder Sweet Pepper Seedlings 4 weeks old
California Wonder Sweet Pepper Seedlings 4 weeks old
Sunday, 29th July 2012
Well, the biggest have now been repotted, and they are all living outside permanantly now. They have took to outside conditions, apart from some of them having spots appearing on their leaves, which I think is sun scorch, rather than a disease. Here is the biggest below, at 7 weeks old. We have named her Penny! :-)
Pepper California Wonder 7 weeks old



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