

Broccoli Early Purple Sprouting


Another small plot for the broccoli, but we're not expecting too much. :-)

18th June 2012

We're also giving Broccoli a try! The variety is Broccoli Early Purple Sprouting. Jess loves her broccoli. She would eat platefuls of it on it's own! But she has never seen, let alone tried 'purple' broccoli. I'm hoping the colour won't put her off trying it.

Broccoli Early Purple Sprouting

Sunday, 1st July 2012

Well, we weren't expecting a fat lot to happen with these, but they have all germinated excellently, and growing well. Here is a picture of them below, about 1 week old. :-) 

Purple Sprouting Brocolli 1 week old

Sunday, 8th July 2012

Well, I had a shock this week when I read the back of the packet again, and learnt that these aren't going to be ready to harvest until next year!! LOL But progress is good, and I will thin some out this week as they are really close, and will be fighting for root space soon. Here they are below at 2 weeks old.

Brocolli Early Purple Sprouting seedlings 2 weeks old
Sunday, 29th July 2012
These seem to be shooting up at a good rate. Here they are below at 5 weeks old now.
Brocolli Early Purple Sprouting seedlings 5 weeks old
Brocolli Early Purple Sprouting seedlings 5 weeks old




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