
Jessies Mini Garden, Florian Strawberries

10th May 2012

Jessies first attempt at Strawberries are a variety called Florian Strawberries.

Before planting these I looked up on the web for any advice about caring for the seeds, and a lot of the websites were saying to put the seeds in the fridge before sowing, to fool the seeds that it was winter time, but as it didn't mention this on the packet, I didn't bother with that and just followed the instructions of putting them into soil (we actually used individual pots, intending to start them off indoors) and leaving them in the sun, watering regularly.

Jessies Mini Garden, Strawberry Plants

Now we just need to wait until they sprout! :-)

 Strawberry F1 Elan Plant

Above - Strawberry F1 Elan

We also bought a Strawberry F1 Elan from a local stockist, already started off in a pot, just in case none of the seeds came through. We will be planting this in the garden in the next couple of weeks. 

5th June 2012

So the Elan Strawberry Plant finally went in the ground, and has been in about a week now. It seems to be doing ok, can't see any dead leaves yet! :-)

Jessies Mini Garden - Elan Strawberry Plant
Jessies Mini Garden - Elan Strawberry Plant

And the pictures below are the Florian Strawberries from seeds so far, about 4 weeks old. Looking a bit wimpy I'm afraid.

Jessies Mini Garden - Florian Strawberry Seedlings
Jessies Mini Garden - Florian Strawberry Seedlings


Jessies Mini Garden - Florian Strawberry Seedlings

I also started hardened off the biggest Florian Strawberry plant last night! Check the blog page for pictures of him!

21st June, 2012

Ok, so here is a Florian Strawberry update. Out of the 10 seeds we planted, we lost 6 of those, and have four remaining, but they are still weak and spindly, so I really think we failed terribly with our first attempt at strawberry seeds. They are now 6 weeks old. As you can see, one of them is accelerating way ahead of the others (see bottom two pictures) so I am holding out that he at least makes it.

Florian Strawberry 6 weeks old


Florian Strawberry Seedling 6 weeks old
Florian Strawberry Seedlings 6 weeks old


Florian Strawberry Seedling 6 weeks old


And here is a picture of the Elan F1 Strawberry Plant that we bought from the shop and put straight into the garden. I made a huge mistake with this and cut off it's first runner! I thought it was just a longer stem until I looked it up on the internet and realised that you can use these runners to propogate new plants!! I wish I knew how old this plant was when I bought it. I never thought to ask in the shop. Transplanting it from pot to garden doesn't seem to done it any harm though. 

Strawberry F1 Elan Plant



We have also purchased some Alexandria Alpine Strawberry seeds and sowed a few of them on 16th June 2012 (see picture below). We know it's totally out of season, but I have saved some for the correct season, but giving these a go anyway. Nothing has come up so far and it's day 5.

Alexandria Alpine Strawberry Seeds. Just Sowed


24th June 2012

So here's how my precious Elan Strawberry Plant is looking this week!

Strawberry Elan F1 Plant


Sunday, 1st July, 2012

Well, here is thhis weeks updates on the three different strawberry plants we've got going at the moment. First I'll start with the Florian Strawberry plants, which we started from seeds and are now 7 weeks old. We only have 2 left now, but they are very much alive, and I am not worried about losing these now.

The picture below on the left is a bit blurred, but he is still tiny and refused to let me take a good picture. He now has true leaves, and his crown is forming with new shoots just starting.

The picture on the right is the other remaining seedling, and I don't mind admitting, he is a bit of an oddball! He has been the tallest all the way through, and it is the one that I put outside one night to harden off (see blog). I have googled pictures of Florian seedlings, and they all look like the left picture. I haven't seen one pic that looks like Mr Strange as I call him, on the right. He doesn't seem to have formed a crown, and doesn't resemble a typical strawberry plant. I am beginning to wonder if he is a strawberry plant at all!! LOL I'm sure time will tell.

Florian Strawberry Seedling - 7 weeks old
Florian Strawberry Seedling - 7 weeks old


Next up in the picture below, we have my baby, the Strawberry Elan F1, the shop bought one that has gone straight in the ground in the garden. She is sick :-( 

Although she is still growing, and has now produced his first flower, with a few more just forming, her leaves have started to turn brown, and some have funny squigly marks over them as well. I will be digging her out of this bed (although it is recommended to do this AFTER they have flowered and gone dormant, around Autumn time, but I don't want her to get any worse, so I'm putting her in a pot with fresh compost to see if she improves! If anyone has any clues as to what this is, please leave a comment, or send me a message via the contact form.

Strawberry Elan F1


And last, but not least is the Strawberry Alexandria Alpine seeds that we planted. Most have now germinated, first came through 25th June, so are a week old, and I can just see the startings of their first true leaves coming through!

Strawberry Alexandria Alpine Seedlings 1 week old

So that's it on the Strawberry front until next week. :-)

Sunday, 8th July 2012

I always have to smile when it comes to updating this strawberry page, as it is my favourite, and if nothing else grows, I will continue with my strawberries until they do. This page will always have the most writing and pictures as we love all our stawberry plants to bits, and monitor them hourly! LOL

So firstly, an update on the 'oddball' plant we had growing (See pic for last week above). It wasn't a strawberry plant, as I suspected. It was a bloomin' thistle/nettle!!! which I had total confirmation of when the little blighter stung me! So that has now been evicted (aka 'flung' ) under the tree in the garden. Once bitten, twice shy! ;-)

So, now the REAL plant updates! :-D

We only have the one remaining seedling left out of the Florian Strawberry seeds we planted, and I am hopeful for this one now. She is growing nicely, and even posed for a better picture this week, showing her nice new third true leaf!  Here she is below at 8 weeks old now. I have named her 'Florrie' :-)

Strawberry Florian Seedling 8 weeks old

Next up we have my shop bought Strawberry Elan F1 Plant, which I don't know her age. She was poorly last week, when her leaves went funny, which I have now learnt was leaf miners, which is a name for an insect which gets into the inside of the leaf inself and makes tunnels in the leaves, leaving the squigly lines I mentioned last week.

Well, I did uproot her, and put her in a large pot, and removed the infected leaves. I didn't know how she would take to being replanted, but she obviously didn't mind, as she now has nice, fresh new shoots coming from the crown (which seems to have split into two!)

Her flowers haven't set fruit yet, even though I tried to help by hand pollinating her with a small paint brush, but because of the constant rain we have had this week, the pollen was just too wet to do anything with so I have just left her alone. I have also named her 'Ella' :-)

Her she is below, repotted and trimmed.

Strawberry Elan F1 Plant


Strawberry Elan F1 Plant


Strawberry Elan F1 Plant

And then finally, we have the new babies on the block, the Strawberry Alexandria Seedlings. These have shot up, and I have a slight feeling they might overtake Florrie at the rate they are growing. There are also more still germinating, and at the last count there were about 35 seedlings! Nice.

Here they are below, 2 weeks old, and showing off their first true leaf!

Strawberry Alexandria Seedlings 2 weeks old.


Strawberry Alexandria Seedlings 2 weeks old
Sunday, 29th July 2012
Well, I have exciting news! Ella has lots of new flowers, and her first strawberry has started to form!! This may not excite everybody, but as she is my first strawberry plant, and I've never had it happen, I'm over the moon! Here she is in bloom below, and that first strawberry growing. :-)
Strawberry Elan F1
Strawberry Elan F1 First Strawberry Growing
Florrie is just, well, Florrie! She is plodding along, and doesn't seem to be in any hurry to grow, even though she is permantly outside now, and getting some sun and warmth. She is also still refusing to let me take a decent photo, the stubborn mare! Here she is below at 11 weeks old now, and now has 5 leaves in all!
Strawberry Florian Seedling 11 weeks old
Strawberry Florian Seedling 11 weeks old
And then we have the Strawberry Alexandria seedlings. These seem to be flying along! They have all been transplanted into seperate pots of their own now, except for the last 10 or so, as I ran out of pots, so they've all gone in one big pot temporarily. Here they are below. They are now 5 weeks old, and have their 3rd leaves coming through already. These are also permanantly outdoors now. These are going to overtake Florrie very soon!
Strawberry Alexandria Seedlings 5 weeks old
Strawberry Alexandria Seedlings 5 weeks old
Strawberry Alexandria seedling 5 weeks old
And that's it for this week! :-)



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