

Cabbage Hispi F1 Plot


So now we've sown the seeds in our plot, we've just got to wait for them to germinate and sprout! :-)

18th June 2012

We decided to add cabbage to our collection and chose a variety called Hispi F1. These are going straight in the ground outside, although we haven't got much room, so will do a few indoors as well as we have plenty of seeds left.


Cabbage Hispi F1 Plot


24th June 2012

So we finally got round to planting some of the cabbage seeds indoors this weekend. We just used those seperate single module planters and a pot for now.

Cabbage Hispi F1
Cabbage Hispi F1

Sunday, 1st July 2012

Well, we had great success with the cabbage germinating, in both the pots and direct sowing into the ground. We only did the pots in case all failed outside, so we may not need them now, and might just dump them, unless I can offload them on the neighbours! :-)

They are attracting the local pigeons though, so may have to find some sort of cage outside to protect them.

On the right is the potted ones, and below, the size of the ones outside today!

Germinating Cabbage Hispi F1
Cabbage Hispi F1 just germinated

Sunday, 8th July 2012

Well, these don't seem to have done much this week, but they are slightly bigger, as shown in the picture below. They are now 2 weeks old.

Sunday, 29th July 2012
Well the cabbage is coming along quite nicely, I think. First time we've grown it, but seems to be ok. Here is a picture below. It is now 5 weeks old.
Cabbage Hispsi F1 seedling 5 weeks old




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