
Jessies Mini Garden, Sunflowers

May 2012

Well, I didn't think anything could be more easier for her to grow than sunflowers, so we got 7 seeds, and planted them in individual pots.

They started off really well, and had got to 4-5 inches in a few weeks. Unfortunately, I never photographed them, and we planted them into the garden, after buying seven 8ft canes for them.

The next morning, I went out to check them, and slugs had eaten five out of the seven! I was livid! The next day, the remaining two had dissappeared, I presume by the same culprits. As I had planted my strawberry plant a little further along from the sunflowers, I realised action had to be taken! I bought the little blue pellets of death!

Luckily, there were more seeds left in the packet, so we made new holes directly by where the old ones were, and planted the new seeds directly into the ground.

Then I sprinkled the pellets lightly around.

Whether they will do the trick, or the new seeds will take, I don't know, but Jess was VERY dissapointed that her lovely plants were eaten.

4th June 2012

Well, we've just been out on slug patrol, making sure all the dead one's are removed and I think we have a new shoot showing through! Hopefully, the others will follow! :-)

Jessies Mini Garden, Sunflower Shoot
Jessies Mini Garden, Sunflower Patch


Jessies Mini Garden, Sunflower Patch

21st June, 2012

Well, it seems we were very lucky when we planted the second lot of seeds, and 5 of them have actually taken and growing well. Slug pellets are doing an excellent job keeping the slimey things away! Here are a few pictures below of the new ones coming up, nearly 3 weeks old.

Sonflowers 3 weeks old
Sunflowers 3 weeks old

24th June 2012


New Sunflower

We found an odd random sunflower seed that was left in the seed packet, so we popped it in a pot, and we'll keep this one away from the slugs!! :-)

Sunday, 1st July 2012

Well, the new Sunflowers are going just fine. Thay've had a rough start, and the weather has been awful, but they are getting bigger by the day, and make Jess go 'Wow' everytime she checks on them! Her new 'odd' seed has sprouted as well, so here are a couple of pics below.

The one on the left is now 5 weeks old and the picture on the right is only one day old!!

Sunflower 5 weeks old
Sunflower 1 day old

And that's this weeks Sunflower update. :-)

Sunday, 8th July 2012

Well this week has been nothing but wet, wet, wet, with rain all week long, so the poor sunflowers are not happy at all. Plus, something has been nibbling Jessies new seedling that we put in the individual pot, so she is not impressed at all. Here is a couple of pictures below of the outdoor ones on the left, which are now 6 weeks old, and the 1 week old baby on the right.

Sunflower seedlings 6 weeks old
Sunflower seedling 1 week old.
Sunday, 29th July 2012
Well to say these sinflowers have been a huge dissapointment is an understatement! Maybe it's been the bad weather, or the hungry wildlife, but all the ones we have planted are slowly dropping off. We have 3 left now. The biggest in the ground snapped, but started to grow upwards again, and the potted one keeps getting munched. Here are the latest pics below of the one in the ground, now 9 weeks old (left) and the potted one, now 4 weeks old (right).
Sunflower bending 9 weeks old
Sunflower 4 weeks old



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