

Lettuce All Year Round

24th June 2012

We started the Lettuce seeds off this week. The variety is just an All Year Round lettuce.

We put these in the starter trays as there were quite a lot, and we may put some outside in the ground as well. Not sure yet.

Sunday, 1st July 2012

Well, once again, we had excellent germination with these. In fact, it wasn't until they all came up that I realised just how many seeds Jess had sown (or rather, thrown) in the tray! These will be transplanted this week into individual pots and some outside. Below is a picture of them a week old.

Lettuce All Year Round Seedlings 1 week old

Sunday, 8th July 2012

Well, we potted some of the seedlings up into individual pots, some to keep growing indoors, and some for outdoors, and sprinkled some directly in the ground as well, to see which get better results. I would rather eat the ones grown inside to be honest.

So here are a couple of pictures below of the indoor ones, now 2 weeks old. Not sure if they should look like this, but at least they're growing! :-)

Lettuce Seedlings 2 weeks old
Lettuce Seedling 2 weeks old

And the picture below is the ones sown directly in the ground, which are now 1 week old.

Lettuce Seedlings 1 week old
Sunday, 29th July 2012
Well, I'm not sure what is going on with these, but the slugs seem to like them!! Here they are pictured below in the ground and pots, at 4 weeks old.


Lettuce seedlings 4 weeks old
Lettuce seedling 4 weeks old



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