

Onions Bedfordshire Champion

24th June 2012

We're going to have a go at onions!! Jess hates them, but I love them so why not! The variety is called Bedfordshire Champion.

I've started these off in the starter trays, but plan to transplant them into their own individual pots to grow in, and maybe a few outside in the ground.

Sunday, 1st July 2012

Well in just one week, these have made exellent progress. They took just 3 days (On the 27th June) to germinate indoors, and have grown very quick! We're planning to put some of these directly into the ground, and some in pots, to see which fare better. So here is a picture below of them one week old.

Onion Bedfordshire Champion 1 week old

Sunday, 8th July 2012

So most of these got replanted this week, some into individual pots (actually, some are pop bottles with the tops cut off, which gives the roots good depth), and then we planted some others in various places directly into the garden. I'm not really sure if we did the right thing transplanting them this early as they only had the one leaf instead of the usual two, so we'll see if they survive. Here they are below in their containers at 2 weeks old.

Onion Bedfordshire Champion 2 weeks old


Onion Bedfordshire Champion 2 weeks old
Sunday, 29th July, 2012
Well, it seemed to do them no harm transplanting them when we did. They all, well mostly all are now on their 3rd leaf stage. here they are below at 5 weeks old.
Onion Bedforshire champion 5 weeks old
And the others, mingling with some pepper plants.
Onion Bedfordshire champion seedlings 5 weeks old.



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