
Jessies Mini Garden, Alicante Tomato

Above - Alicante Tomato Pot from Tesco

27th May 2012

Jessie has chosen two different types of tomato to grow, one being 'Alicante' which was actually in growing kit bought from Tesco's (see picture of pot on left) and another cherry tomato variety, but I can't for the life of me find the seed packet to that variety, so I have no idea what they are.

Once the pot has started showing signs of sprouting, we can thin them out into individual pots.

We have sowed the packet seeds into three rectangle potting trays.

5th June 2012

Well I finally found the missing seed packet I thought I'd lost, so we know know what we are growing! They are called Cerise Cherry Tomatoes. The pictures below show how they are looking today! :-)


Jessies Mini Garden - Cerise Cherry Tomato Seedlings


Jessies Mini Garden - Cerise Cherry Tomato Seedlings
Jessies Mini Garden - Cerise Cherry Tomato

And the pictures below are where we're at with the Alicate Tomatoes that were out of the ready to grow pot!

Jessies Mini Garden - Alicante Tomato Seedlings
Jessies Mini Garden - Alicante Tomato Seedlings


Jessies Mini Garden - Alicante Tomato Seedlings

21st June, 2012

Well, all the tomatoes have now been transplanted into individual pots. Well, I say all, but I did have to throw two of the seed trays away as I just didn't have enough pots. Unfortunately in the process off repotting, I totally lost track of which was which, and got them all mixed up! LOL I also put a few of the bigger ones outside the one day, and it hammered down with rain on them, so we lost them as well, but we have 38 plants left. Here are a few pictures below of them. They are now 4 weeks old. 

Cerise and Alicante Tomato Seedlings - 4 weeks old
Cerise and Alicante Tomato Seedlings - 4 weeks old
Cerise and Alicante Tomato Seedlings - 4 weeks old
Cerise and Alicante Tomato Seedlings - 4 weeks old


 Sunday, 1st July 2012

Well, not a lot has happened with these this week at all! They are 6 weeks old and still as small as two weeks ago. Apart from 2, which I have always kept seperate from the others and upstairs, where thay have been moved round from room to room, so they have sun on them pretty much all day (I have actually done this with some peppers and the two remaining strawberry plants as well).

The difference is amazing, and proves you need excellent light to grow these indoors. The rest we got a bit bored of, so have put the lot outside, see blog, in various places around the garden, to see if the 'real' sun will give them a kick up the backside! Here are a couple of pictures for comparison. And please remember, the plant on the left is exactly the same age as the plants on the right, 6 weeks old!

Tomato Plant 6 weeks old
Tomato Plants 6 weeks old.

So that's this weeks Tomato Plant update! :-)

Sunday, 8th July 2012

So, the two biggest tomato plants got potted up to their final large pots this week, and caned for support. They are also big enough to go outside, although I'm not sure their going to cope with all the rain, so will leave them in a sheltered spot to start with. As the others upstairs are catching up as well, I will upgrade them to the next size up this week as well. Here are a couple of pictures of them below in their new homes at 7 weeks old.

Tomato Seedling 7 weeks old
Tomato seedling 7 weeks old

The ones that we'd put outside at an earlier age still aren't doing much, and look a little ill to say the least. I don't think we'll be getting anything from them this year, but I'll still leave them be, and see how they go.

Here is a quick picture below of them, also 7 weeks old.

Poorly Tomato seedlings 7 weeks old.
Sunday, 29th July 2012
So the Tomato Plants have reached the 10 week mark now, and I still don't know if the two biggest are Alicante or Cerise Cherry Tomatoes. They also caught a fungal disease last week, so I had to strip all the bottom branches to save it spreading. They both seem ok from it, and are still growing strong! Here is a couple of pictures below of the two biggest.
Tomato Plant 10 weeks old
Tomato Plant 10 weeks old
There are still of the others that survived all the rain, but they are so tiny! Can't believe they are the same age really! I can't throw them away, so I'll let them do what they've got to do, although I have no hopes of them producing this year. I will find a space to put them in the ground soon, see if they like that. Here are some below, 10 weeks old as well, mingling with some sweet pepper plants, and 2 others that we put in the ground.
Tomato and pepper plants 10 weeks old
Tomato plant seedlings 10 weeks old



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